
Life with Dogs Goes On

Life with Dogs Goes On

Wrestle Mania continues at the Rose household. Ya kind of gotta wonder about the new addition. Is she cute?  Or is she scary? Or is she just plain weird? Maybe all of the above. Java, Latte, and I have been taking our recent walks in the woods behind the nearby library. I had the idea…

Where Did Spring Go?

Where Did Spring Go?

When I saw my neighbor plowing the end of his driveway with his heavy duty snowblower and he looked like this: I knew it did not bode well for me with my itty, bitty snowblower. And I was right. The snow was so wet, it was like trying to push your blower through a slushy….

Back to the Rum

Back to the Rum

I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat, cough, and runny nose. Maybe this has been the problem all along, why I’ve been so drained — impending germs. Something that can be cured with vitamin C, hot tea with honey (maybe a little brandy), naps — that would be good. But it was about…

A Fieldtrip

A Fieldtrip

I took a vacation day today trying to get my groove back. Or at least laugh and smile a bit. I didn’t die my hair purple, but did go with dark blonde, which is closer to reality than the golden tresses I was sporting. I needed something a little easier to maintain. I baked oatmeal,…

Chicken Coop Dreams

Chicken Coop Dreams

“You used to be much more…’muchier.’ You’ve lost your muchness.” — Mad Hatter to Alice in Alice in Wonderland I watched Alice in Wonderland and it got me wondering where my muchness went. This leads to grabbing for straws. Maybe get another dog to fill the house with more of something. More life. Helping out a critter….