
An Outdoor Day

An Outdoor Day

The weather was good for an outdoor day. By 11:00 it is was in the 20’s with wind, but compared to how cold it was yesterday, it was downright beautiful. I started out by driving out to the stable, with Java as my copilot. I’ve been too busy or the weather’s been too cold for…

Day Two – Much Snow

Day Two – Much Snow

I spent over an hour clearing the driveway this morning. Came in and while I was pouring myself a cup of coffee, the dang snowplow came by and filled the end of the driveway back up again. Since my truck’s gas tank was empty, and I could start working right away if I just sat…

It’s Baaack

It’s Baaack

There has been a big lead up to a blizzard coming our way. Nine inches of snow were predicted for my area. Nine inches is too much for my snowblower to handle, but I’d still like at least a few more weeks to ski so I watched with anticipation all day. I prepared for the…

River Views and Gratitude

River Views and Gratitude

The days are a bit longer, but it’s still a challenge to take Java for a walk after work before the sun sets. Tuesday, Java and I did our speed-walk down to the river and caught the sun just over the trees. As I was busy snapping photos, a couple teenage boys walked by. One smiled…

Message Received

Message Received

Above all the other reasons, I write because the world is both heartbreakingly sad and hearbreakingly joyful, and the only way for me to bear the pain, the only way for me to bear the world’s bright beauty is to catch it up like a giggling baby and to set it down in front of…

Sticking To It

Sticking To It

The great thing and the hard thing is to stick to things when you have outlived the first interest, and not yet got the second, which comes with a sort of mastery.  — Janet Erskine Stuart Did I ever mention how impatient I am? I start out things with great enthusiasm, but my excitement wanes when I…