Snow Deprivation

Snow has many sounds
Depending on the temperatures
Before, during, and after

Walking the paths
It can be like
Stepping on Rice Crispies
Snap crackle pop!

Like new tennis shoes 
On a gym floor
Or shooshy 
Like a slinky
Coming down the stairs

These days,
There is an abundance
Of slip and slide
If you are into that sort of thing
I am not

Whatever the sound
I love my snow
And wish it would stay
And reproduce
A foot more

(The “real” snow photos [the 3rd and last] are from last year. Ah, the memories…)

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  1. Beautiful pose once again sweetie supported by those lovely snow pictures.

    Hopefully ya get all the snow ya desire…and you keep it up there! Heeehehe!

    God bless ya and have a fantastic week!!! :o)

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