Moody Weather
Hasn’t this been an interesting year so far weather-wise? Will Spring ever arrive and stay? What about summer?
Hasn’t this been an interesting year so far weather-wise? Will Spring ever arrive and stay? What about summer?
Squared The cube The cube Not a science fiction entity But an office reality Desk after desk In tick tack toe pattern And the experts say, “Open office design increases teamwork and sharing” Now that is science fiction… A body leans On my half wall Peering at my screen I twitch “Can I help you?”…
I woke up and realized I was a double-D, not the bra size, I mean that I was feeling the effects of divorce and depression. I did the only thing a cowgirl can do in such a situation. I loaded my horse onto the trailer and went trail riding. This whole trailering thing has given…
My chicks are a bit stressed from the long, bumpy ride home. Why is it we never notice how terrible a road is until every bump creates a frantic, harried, shrill chirping? One of the Buff Orpingtons is ESPECIALLY LOUD! I think they wore themselves out and thus, the photos are a bit drab but…
[WARNING! I think I sound a bit crazy sometimes, but really, do not be alarmed! My brain is just on high percolation lately and I’m letting go and letting it do it’s thing.] Free thinking Free writing Living large But not gluttonously Make more things From scratch Stop fighting my hair With expensive products This…
Not sure what I’ll be facing tomorrow as the freezing rain is supposed to start in earnest this evening and continue off and on for the next few days. I’m hoping it’s not so bad that I can’t let the horses out. I don’t have enough wood shavings to spread out and give them footing…
It’s been a few days since I posted. Not that I haven’t written tons and tons, but thank God I have demonstrated some degree of self control and not publicized my sad, grieving, horrifying thoughts. A word of advice, when you lose your love, do not read poetry like this: The Summer We Almost Split…
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I hope your havin’ as much fun with your new camera as I am viewin’ your pictures!!! I love the old twisted branch.
“Slappin” me senseless” Heehehehe!
God bless ya and thanks so much for sharin’ your little part of the world!
Nezzy is right…the new camera is awesome. Slapped, true dat!
Did you get hail?
Stunning poem Maery.
Nezzy – I love the new camera. Now I just need to learn how to work the fancy stuff.
Lynn – Yes I did. Java came in covered with it.
Love the photos! I love taking photos of trees like this. Very cool. And cute dog too! 😉