Kennel Chaos – Part 2
The kennel saga continues. Finally got the chain link fence laid out flat. It was a tangled mess.
The kennel saga continues. Finally got the chain link fence laid out flat. It was a tangled mess.
“I get up every morning determined to both change the world and to have one hell of a good time. Sometimes, this makes planning the day difficult.” ~E. B. White I tried to get photos of a coyote in our pasture using my telephoto but even with the tele, I couldn’t get enough zoom. Java chased a…
Does this tell you anything about how I spent mine? I’m the one who fell off the bed and is laying out of sight. The gray fur ball on the floor is Shy. My latest household problem was another appliance failure, this time my kitchen range. It seized recognizing the oven temperature setting and just…
Last Friday I met with Lynn and Sue to visit and spend some time writing. Afterwards, Lynn and I went to a couple shops. I bought this great purse at Krista Artista in the store’s red and green boutique area. Part of the proceeds from items that sell in that area of the shop…
I went to a gathering of the Sandhill Photography group last Friday night. Besides having some great food, there was a presentation by Ron Hustvedt of Write Outdoors, which included ideas on how and where to get your photos published. Club members also brought slide shows of photos they took in 2011. My slide show…
We got a couple of inches of snow last Friday. Java was thrilled (me too). We got in a little frisbee toss and fetch today.
This is the time of year
For reading
And snuggling
And writing
And hot cocoa
And peppermint schnapps
And sitting by a fire…
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Oh no! That is terrible! I am sure they will open a new box and just replace the chain link. But still, to have to go through all that and find out the chain link is defective!
That is a beautiful sunset!
It was a beautiful sunset – good job focusing on the positive!
I can imagine your frustration, finally laying out the fence to see the defects. I sure hope that the vendor lets you keep the frame together and replaces only the fence!
What a pain in the BUTTTTT! All you are trying to do is a good deed for Java! Call the company and tell them to deliver you a new one…and have them assemble it.
Nice sunset.
What a dissapointment..and you were doing so good too. Call Farm Fleet first before you take it apart..or go in and take the photographs with you. It will all work out. Yup you need a tribe..:)
Oh my Lord…the thing was designed for escape!!!!!!!!! Who knew!
I just hate it when things don’t work out when they seem so clear originally.
Darn…darn…darn (kicking under desk with toe)
Well, the bad piece of fencing has been returned and replaced with a new roll. I haven’t unrolled it yet but I’m remaining optimistic, well, trying anyway.
Good luck with the new roll of fencing – hope it doesn’t have any weird defects or crop circles or anything in it!
Did it work…did it work!? OH Java…you must be contained.