Chalk Another One Up For Mary
Just a brief word, because I am so totally proud of myself! I drove the horse trailer with Murphy in it to the park and went riding for about an hour — all by myself!
Just a brief word, because I am so totally proud of myself! I drove the horse trailer with Murphy in it to the park and went riding for about an hour — all by myself!
“We have this mistaken idea that either we have regret or we get rid of it. Trungpa Rinpoche talked about holding the sadness of life in our heart while never forgetting the beauty of the world and the goodness of being alive. There comes a time when we are able to be pierced to the…
I took Friday off last week with the intention that I was going to do some writing, work on my blog, edit a bunch of photos I haven’t had time to deal with, and read some other people’s blogs. Did I actually do any of those things? Of course not. I arrived at the barn…
Sunday we got hit with a lovely, glistening coating of ice. A friend and I still decided to go out for breakfast. The slide out the driveway was bad enough. Then there was the treachorous walk from the car to the restaurant. (Note to self, tennis shoes are not the best thing to wear on…
My bare feet move across the hardwood floor. I can feel the grit the dog and I dragged in the day before stick to my bare skin. Walking out onto the deck, I grab my socks and boots from the doorway and hop in an awkward dance pattern as I brush off my feet and…
It was a beautiful day today – low 70s. So as soon as I got home from work, before I lost daylight, I changed clothes and rode Murphy. Since I didn’t have anyone to take photos. I decided to try and take my own. Thus the shots of the top of Murphy’s head. And the…
I’ve been trail riding two gorgeous Saturdays in a row, the first was at Wild River State Park. I’ve wanted to ride at this park for a long time and it was as beautiful as I’d heard. We didn’t know the Wild River trails, so we had to keep checking the maps to figure out…
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How exciting! Glad you had a nice ride.
Yeah! I am so happy for you! You did it! Wasn’t that so much fun? Now you can just take off and go riding, and know that you can!
Lovin’ the orange halter! Gotta do it if there are hunters around!
Congratulations!!!! You *should* be proud of yourself!!! Way to go Mary and Murphy!!! 🙂
Mary….see! Already you are moving forward. The good news is that you found out you can do it. I find that when I take Berlin away from the farm she is more dependent on me…even if we are with other horses. A couple of days ago when we rode down the lane behind our farm, she was a pain in the butt knowing that the rest of the herd was close by. I sure hope you don’t have to sell either horse. You need them and they need you. Keep up the good work.
Al-right Mary…you go girl (and Murphey)!!!!!
That’s wonderful! I don’t like bumping into hunters in the bush either-the orange halter does make sense, and it looks pretty too!
Yea! Go Mary! That is exciting news. I bet you felt really good. I like the bright halter….a great idea, actually! 😉
I had such a great time, I did it all over again the next day with Luke. Total bummer that I’ll be losing the trailer and truck in the divorce. Hopefully I’ll find a place to board that’s right on a big trail system.
I sure wish I could keep Murphy but I don’t see how I could pay the bills on him. He’s such a good trail horse. I hope I can find someone that will appreciate him the way I do.