Home Court Advantage

Interesting sermon at church today. The minister knew that people were looking at their watches and praying they’d be home in plenty of time to catch the Viking game against the Cowboys. So his sermon centered around the “home court advantage”.

He spoke about what a difference it makes to be in a familiar place with people cheering you on in football and in life. The minister’s message centered around being connected within a church family in order to be unshakable, to be able find joy and remain focused and centered whatever your circumstances, to create relationships and friendships and help each other.

But whatever your faith or beliefs, I’m sure you see the truth in this — how important it is to be connected to people who love and care about you, who will be honest with you even when the truth is not what you want to hear. You may not be happy with your circumstances, but nestled in that kind of love, you can still find joy in your life and feel fortunate for being blessed with caring family and friends.

I did not run home and watch the Vikings game right after church. Instead I took full advantage that everyone else was doing so and ran to a couple different stores to pick up groceries and some other things I needed. I also got my car washed! It was so disgustingly dirty that my hands turned black every time I had to open the hatchback. There is something so lovely about having a freshly washed car! I don’t know why I don’t wash it more often. Yes I do, because it’s hard to find the time and it’s unbelievably expensive!

After I got home, it was already approaching late afternoon. I didn’t feel like running to the park so I took Java for a walk around the neighborhood.

One of the farmers was harvesting what must be winter corn from his field.

These guys obviously don’t get visitors very often.

I wish this photo wasn’t blurry because it would have been fabulous! Another one that got away. I could have got some even better photos but I was so worried about this poor guy who was almost into full fledged panic trying to get his head back through the gate rails. He did get free though.

Java found a glove that she brought home to play with.

And play she did.

After awhile, she put the glove down and simply raced. She looks a mite crazed.

And lest you think I’ve completely forgotten I have horses, here they are in all their winter, furry glory.

Another full, busy day, with beautiful weather to enjoy. I wish I was one of the lucky people who has tomorrow off!

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  1. I wish you were too Maery! If it makes you feel any better, I’m using that day to get up very early and take my car in.
    Great photos once again…Java makes me laugh so hard, the simple pleasures of a newly found mitten. she has that look of, ‘it’s mine and you can’t have it, oh, ok you can’…dog bliss.

  2. what wonderful pictures. i should have washed my car, too, but i was at my mother-in-law’s apartment, eating pot roast and watching the game. she is a die-hard vikings fan and even has a little ceramic football on her side table–it has a hole in the top for her TV remote.

  3. That sermon certainly hit home for me, as I’ve been leaning on family and friends heavily for the past week. I feel very lucky to have them in my life.

    I love the first photo of Java! She does look a bit crazed in some of them – but in a good way!

  4. Lynn – Sound like you’ve been making good use of your time off.

    Laurie – I’m glad I’m not the only one. The cut in traffic was nice though. My Mom was a huge Twins fan, home hanky and all. Not so much into the football.

    KB – I’m glad you’ve had people gathered around you, And for those of us that can’t be there physically, we are certainly thinking about you and thinking healing thoughts.

    Nezzy – Yes, I can’t wait for the weekend to get out again.

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