
Owl Wisdom

Owl Wisdom

Only 24 more poems to go before Poetry Month ends. This is fun but time consuming. But maybe I’m learning some discipline that I can incorporate into my other writing.  Bigger miracles have happened. I super enjoyed reading the post “Writing Without Rituals” on the Word Whores blog. The post is very meaningfilled for those of us with…

The Worms are Here!

The Worms are Here!

Aren’t they cute?! I can’t wait to start collecting their rich little poopings!  If you look at the worms under a microscope, they look like this: I think it takes six months before you actually get anything “out” of them but I figure with all the coffee grounds they’ll be chugging, they will be more…

Young and Old

Young and Old

I was introduced to sixteen-year-old Minnie Marks on the blog called A Mermaid in the Attic. I was so blown away I had to throw together a post to share the discovery. Oh to be 16 with so much talent and… I’m searching for the right word without being patronizing. I would say from her outfit she has…

Weird and Dreary

Weird and Dreary

I rode Luke this morning. He was feeling spooked, very upright, and lots of spring to his trot. So much coiled energy, a sproingy trot in place feeling. I got in a few good canters and a few leg yield steps before he got tense and we had to go back to circling. He’s doing…

Long Week

Long Week

Still on the mend – coughing a lot, sleeping little, and totally out of gas. Speaking of gas, how about those prices? And if you need diesel (for the truck) and Premium (for the Mini), it’s really a killer. My raise this year is definitely not going to keep up with increases in gas, coffee…