Master Gardener program

After the Freeze Gardening

After the Freeze Gardening

There’s little risk in becoming overly proud of one’s garden because gardening by its very nature is humbling. It has a way of keeping you on your knees. –– Joanne Barwick I didn’t say all that much about my garden this year. I guess I was too busy being a Master Gardener… I’m still brown bag ripening…

Time to Shake the World

Time to Shake the World

“Joy comes from adventure today. Time to shake the world.”  That bit of wisdom came in a fortune cookie that accompanied my spring roll and chicken-veggie stir fry lunch-special yesterday. Could the adventure perhaps come this weekend instead? Because there were no work adventures or after-work adventures yesterday, unless you count my assisting with a…

Doing and More Doing

Doing and More Doing

“As I often do when it is totally unnecessary, I am trying to meditate. Why, when everything around me is perfect and I am immersed in the moment, do I still think I must do something to be contemplative?… Left to my own devices, I will always be trying to do something–even if what I…

I Am Worthy, I Am Worth It

I Am Worthy, I Am Worth It

I have so many things running around in my head that I could possibly write five blog posts with them or one disturbingly long one that would take my mind-waterfalls and summon up one big gushing tsunami. But I don’t have the time. Or the energy. So here are the bullet points: After much trepidation,…

A Crazed Girl

A Crazed Girl

That crazed girl improvising her music. Her poetry, dancing upon the shore, Her soul in division from itself Climbing, falling She knew not where — “A Crazed Girl”, William Butler Yeats Soul in division from itself… I can relate. To return to sanity and wholeness I’m digging in dirt, listening to birdsong, and walking.  Ahhhh,…