
Put in Garden… check!

Put in Garden… check!

It was a work-on-the-garden weekend. The raised beds were waiting. The seedlings were outgrowing their pots. Annuals and herbs were purchased. So let the fun begin! I have fragrantly, soothing dreams of making chamomile or peppermint tea. I will drink it out on the deck from a dainty china cup while reading poetry. And perhaps…

I Want More

I Want More

“I prefer to distinguish ADD as attention abundance disorder. Everything is just so interesting . . . remarkably at the same time.” — Frank Coppola, MA, ODC, ACG I like that — attention abundance disorder. If you haven’t noticed by now, my interests are endless. I like to define myself as a chronically-curious person. EVERYTHING…

Get Your Garden On

Get Your Garden On

I’m a bit beat but I am still making a diligent effort to get my poem a day done. It’s amazing how tired sitting and listening to people show and tell can be, no matter how interesting the topic is to you. I went to a Home Landscaping and Garden Fair put on by the…

The Worms are Here!

The Worms are Here!

Aren’t they cute?! I can’t wait to start collecting their rich little poopings!  If you look at the worms under a microscope, they look like this: I think it takes six months before you actually get anything “out” of them but I figure with all the coffee grounds they’ll be chugging, they will be more…