There’ll be sun!
Well it’s the first day of December. Where are my 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo? Nowhere. Okay, so I did 19,927 words before fear and gloom won out. Again. I feel like a football player who’s had 10 players pile on top of him after the tackle. Someone please throw a flag! And get that darn…
I got the “opportunity” today to try out my little Toro snowblower. About 3 inches of heavy, wet snow fell onto a rainy, slushy, ice base that was the result of the rain that had fallen all yesterday afternoon. The mess gave my poor, little snowblower quite a workout. It also gave me quite a…
Snow has many sounds Depending on the temperatures Before, during, and after Walking the paths It can be like Stepping on Rice Crispies Snap crackle pop! Squeeky Like new tennis shoes On a gym floor Or shooshy Like a slinky Coming down the stairs These days, There is an abundance Of slip and slide If…
It was one of those white knuckle, clenched jaw, leaning forward drives home after work today. I knew the snow was coming, which is why I went to work earlier than usual but somehow it didn’t click in my brain that it would be better to drive the truck than the Mini. Although, the roads…
I picked up my son from the airport yesterday afternoon. The first stop was a second hand store where he was hoping he’d find some decent winter boots to get him through the weekend. Unfortunately, this did not happen but he did find a pretty cool leather coat. I found a couple belts, a Santa…
Bloodroot White satin With a dash of orange And a green wrap Perfectly set off Against a backdrop Of brittle brown Oh, welcome Ye spring
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Hey darlin’, I saw your post and had to pop in. Seems life has tried to darken my world. My Mama is in ICU right now.
Your post reminded me of a Downs syndrome student I had once. We always took our Special Ed. class to a lake just before school was out each summer. I had this young fella in the paddle boat with me. It was a drizzly, damp cold day.
We were paddlin’ across the lake and he said, ” Oh..Mrs. Nezzy isn’t it a beautiful sunny day?”
I looked at him and said, why…little mister…it’s cloudy, cold and there is NO sun. He looked at me in his wise way and said, yes, yes there is. It’s just hidin’ behind the clouds. The sun is always shinin’ even when we can’t see it!”
I remind myself of this often.
Glorious pictures as always sweetie!
Have a blessed and sunny day :o)
I love your story! I won’t forget such a beautiful message.
Sorry to hear about your Mom. I’ll say a prayer for both of you.
Oh so lovely. Look at those brave new blades of grass popping out of the ground all around Luke…green and precious. I’ll sure never take spring for granted ever again! Sun, let there be sun!
Very beautiful. And, the sun will come out soon. We’ve had a record month of snow but we had sun today! Perhaps you did too!
Your photos were perfect for the lyrics!
Beautiful photos! Love that song but ~ I hope the sun came out for you TODAY 🙂