Poets and Writers magazine tweeted that I should flip through a dictionary and randomly choose ten words. Then write a poem using one word in every other line. Here’s what I came up with. My ten words are in red.
Poets and Writers magazine tweeted that I should flip through a dictionary and randomly choose ten words. Then write a poem using one word in every other line. Here’s what I came up with. My ten words are in red.
This weekend did not go according to plan. Some very wet snow, followed by a dive in temperatures brought out the wimp in me, I’m embarrassed to report. Instead of being outdoors, I went into cooking and nesting mode. Saturday, I needed to use up my remaining bread dough so I made three more baguettes,…
Have you seen the towering trees Tower walking their dogs? Ssshhh! Close encounters of tree kind… Did I mention I saw a cloud formation today? A pipe, like my Dad used to smoke And alongside it A match with a sunset orange flame Sorry I didn’t have my camera You’ll just have to take my…
It was a hot and humid one today. Java’s kiddy pool is a bit substandard from the previous house’s pool. I hope this area alongside the deck will be a good spot for a future pond that is big enough for Java to fit all the way into. It won’t be roomy enough for swimming,…
Ever listen to the weather channel?
Partly clowww deee
I hear the mechanical voice say…
I couldn’t resist. I had to check on my worms and it’s a good thing I did. Bunches of them were crawling along the top ridge of the tub. None had gotten out but the loose fitting lid made me think it was only a matter of time. I flicked and plucked the worms to…
I’ve started out writing so many different posts for this week. I’ve judged them too long, too personal, or too heavy. But I’ve decided to commit the crime of all three and hope that some part of this makes sense to someone. The photos are of wildflowers that I saw while walking in the woods…
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Cool Poem..and pretty sunset colors. I was never any good at poetry.. but you seem to have the hang of it:)
I’m impressed! It works.
Wow…..that sure sets a mood. Incredible imagery. Nice job!
Wow, you have a way with words. I like it.
Poetry? You ARE into self-torture:-) I had never heard the exercise of taking 10 random words from the dictionary…that is pretty interesting. Poetry is such an enigma to me, I can’t seem to resist the urge to rhyme ~ it might be my OCD nature to have things in some type of structure. So often when I read poetry, I am frustrated by having to decode some secret message hidden in the words. It’s like they deliberately disguise the true essence of the poem, to make it ‘deep’ and meaningful. I think song lyrics are examples of really beautiful poetry…and they rhyme:-) Can you tell I am a frustrated wannabe poet? Kudos to you Maery!
I also relate song lyrics to poetry. One I can’t get out of my head, for some time now, is– “You can judge the whole world by the sparkle that you think it lacks. Yeah, you can stare into the abyss but it’s staring right back.”
Cool exercise.
Very cool exercise! It turned out great. The words kind of direct you and give you a change of pace.
Nicely done! I may introduce this poetry exercise to students for poetry month. I also like the lamp post photo. Great shot!
Wow!!! “Like a yolk spilling out of it’s shell,” girl you do have the knack for poetry.
Loved that sky shot too!!!
God bless and enjoy the day sweeite!
Giveaway…my place! :o)
I love it! I love Poets and Writers excersise tweets…they’re great fun…you really nailed this one. Beautiful : )