
I’m in Love

I’m in Love

It’s a tawdry affair, this love I have with Oboz, who cushioned my tootsies over rocky paths. Kept my feet dry when snow meltdown turned walking paths into streams. And protected my ankles from twisting when loose rocks and sand slid my feet into undesirable positions. Sadly now, the new love of my life sits idly…

I Want More

I Want More

“I prefer to distinguish ADD as attention abundance disorder. Everything is just so interesting . . . remarkably at the same time.” — Frank Coppola, MA, ODC, ACG I like that — attention abundance disorder. If you haven’t noticed by now, my interests are endless. I like to define myself as a chronically-curious person. EVERYTHING…

Vacation Wrap Up

Vacation Wrap Up

So as not to drag things out too long, I better wrap up and show the rest of my camping photos. How can there be so many photos in just 3 days? Amazing! Here’s a few pics of the Baptism River. This is a suspended (bouncy) bridge that crosses over it. And there were a…

Java’s Water Park

Java’s Water Park

I took a brief break from real life. The time away was way too brief, but too many irons in the fire to take more. I went on a two-night camping trip to Tettegouche State Park, near Silver Bay, MN. There’s too many photos to show all at once so I’ll post as I get…