Woman on a Journey

The ups and downs of aging and the changes life brings on.. Topics include divorce, loneliness, loss, spirituality, and more.

The Last Nice Day

The Last Nice Day

The Last Nice Day Or so I hear I walk off miles of anxious While geese gather Like thoughts Honking loudly Is it safe? Should we land? Is this a good spot? Do I know you? The sun rises and sets Rivers flow Dogs smile Leaves turn And then fall There are cycles There are…

Leaving a Mark

Leaving a Mark

Is there anyone out there who doesn’t want to leave their own individual mark in the world? There are the literal marks, like the graffiti I saw in New York. And I’ve found this Electric Man on a few utility boxes around town. We’re not quite as colorful or imaginative in the burbs. And I pass…

The Overgrown Path

The Overgrown Path

I finally managed to fit in a 2012 camping trip last weekend. We decided to go somewhere we hadn’t been before — Itasca State Park. The problem, I discovered, with going somewhere new is you don’t know all the ins and outs of the area. The first out came when we went to our reserved,…

Abandon All Hope

Abandon All Hope

“There are times in your life where all you can do at the end of the day is turn out the lights, flop on the bed, and throw in the towel… The very act of giving up becomes a starting point. You clear your head. You still your beating heart. You navigate the rocky shoals,…