Woman on a Journey

The ups and downs of aging and the changes life brings on.. Topics include divorce, loneliness, loss, spirituality, and more.

Purposeful Distraction

Purposeful Distraction

Do you have tasks you hate to do or that bore the bejeebers out of you? Things like filing papers, organizing photos on the computer, and paying bills all come to mind. I’m sure you’ve read recommendations on how to deal with such jobs, such as “Set the timer for fifteen minutes and work as…

A Budding Bloom

A Budding Bloom

“We have this mistaken idea that either we have regret or we get rid of it. Trungpa Rinpoche talked about holding the sadness of life in our heart while never forgetting the beauty of the world and the goodness of being alive. There comes a time when we are able to be pierced to the…

A Time Out

A Time Out

“We have what we need. The wisdom, the strength, the confidence, the awakened heart and mind are always accessible, here, now, always. .. We’re not inventing them or importing them from somewhere else. They’re here. That’s why when we feel caught in darkness, suddenly the clouds can part. Out of nowhere we cheer up or…

Hot Chicks

Hot Chicks

“Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are… Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in my pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want,…

Do You Prepare for Disaster?

Do You Prepare for Disaster?

On Saturday, Steve and I passed by what looked like a practice for a large-scale disaster. There were several emergency groups gathered, plus a few dummy victims strewn on the ground. It got me to thinking, what if we could have practice runs like this on life’s personal disasters? Would we be better prepared? What…