
Photo field trips and work to improve photography skills and expression

Silly Nonsensical

Silly Nonsensical

Have you seen the towering trees  Tower walking their dogs? Ssshhh! Close encounters of tree kind… Did I mention I saw a cloud formation today? A pipe, like my Dad used to smoke And alongside it A match with a sunset orange flame Sorry I didn’t have my camera You’ll just have to take my…

The Energy Crisis

The Energy Crisis

On those days When energy leaks Do not fight it But join the seep You will find A better day Just give it up Let sleep have its way Sorry. Not exactly your cute Christmas present dollies… I was feeling artsy.  I played a bit of magic with a bobber that the Brew Babes and…

Winter Walk

Winter Walk

Attention: This preempts a previously planned post that sounded too darn whiny. A winter walk Lit by snow light Quiet Sssshhh Hear the snow And geese gathering And ice moving Creeeekkkking And dogs wandering And wondering Sssshhh Pause Listen



Have you ever looked through your camera lens and seen something you’ve never noticed before? Have you ever looked back at your life and seen a you that you didn’t expect, a new angle come to light? I see the humor in a tongue flick and smile. A dog’s version of bunny ears perhaps? I…