
Dogs can be teachers, guides, and similar to children in how they test us and show us a world we might otherwise pass through unaware.

Dog Training Telepathy

Dog Training Telepathy

This is how my window looked this morning. Good grief! Not another problem! Oh, well, what’s a little condensation (yeah, that’s dripping water, not ice). And I’m not going to even mention the broken door knob on the door out to the backyard. On to a more pleasant topic. Java and I started a Dog…

Java’s Pool

Java’s Pool

Poor Java. She’s gone from this. To this. She tried to make do with some rollicking splashing. And tried flattening herself to get her whole body in the pool. Wow, man. Bummer. Back to splashing. It was in the 90’s today with about the same reading on humidity scale. Technically known as “can’t breathe” weather….

Shelter Dogs

Shelter Dogs

I saw this Pedigree brand commercial and started crying. Not because I felt “pity” for the shelter animals, but because I identified with them. “Maery’s not broken. She has simply experienced more life…” Too often I think my X broke something so deeply inside me that no matter how strong my will and my spirit…

Maery’s Mobile Home

Maery’s Mobile Home

I was hoping the next time I posted I’d be announcing that I had purchased a house and the process was running smoothly. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. I ended up with a seller that really doesn’t seem to want to sell. I expected counter-offers and stressful negotiations, but I didn’t expect the sellers to…