Traveling Through Resistance
Lean into a gathering
And binds me to a day I’ll remember
“Drums keep pounding rhythms to the brain. La de da de de. La de da de da.” Yeah, my brain is a bit fried with heat. Even though the temperatures have not been quite as insane the last couple days, it’s still been hot and humid. Add to that the lack of a good breeze…
Fathers Day Poem It was always kind of hard To find a Father’s Day card. Nothing on the shelves seemed to fit the mold,When you meet your Dad when you are 40-years-old. No “Thanks for being there.” or “I learned so much from you.”Just a simply “I love you” is all I could do.I’ve been…
Squared The cube The cube Not a science fiction entity But an office reality Desk after desk In tick tack toe pattern And the experts say, “Open office design increases teamwork and sharing” Now that is science fiction… A body leans On my half wall Peering at my screen I twitch “Can I help you?”…
I hate updating my photos on Facebook, my blog and wherever else I make an appearance. For one thing, I keep getting absurdly older everyday. Let’s just say that the previous photo is always better than the most recent shot. But since I got my hair cut quite a bit shorter, I figure in all…
“Why do you write?” a fellow blogger asked in her post. “To find treasure in a heap of garbage,” I muttered to myself. Writing reminds me of when I was a kid and my dad or uncle would fill up a trailer with broken chairs, mattresses, ceiling tile and carpeting to haul to the dump….
Each night I set my boats to sea and leave them to their bawdy business. Whether they drift off maddened, moon-rinsed, or dock in the morning scuffed and chastened— is simply how it is, and I gather them in. ~ from “Describe Yourself in Three Words or Less” by Rita Dove (this poem and eleven…
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Beautiful, Maery! I love how red Luke is. Nothing like hugging your horse when they have that soft winter coat.
Fantastic shots and text! Wow!