Java Working on Her Social Skills

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart” — Confucius I was busy yesterday moving Luke to his new home, then helping send Murphy off to his new home. There was an e-mail from the new Murphy family last night, reporting that Murphy is curious about the other horses, is bonding with one of their…
Can you say OUCH!? After the doctor got done cranking on my arm in every direction feasible this morning and some that weren’t feasible, my shoulder is feeling so much worse than it was. Whine, whine, whine… It’s a rotator cuff issue. Now I have to make an appointment for physical therapy. If that doesn’t…
I’m in such a strange place. When haven’t I been? But this is perplexing in its uniqueness to my usual strangeness. I don’t want to be on my computer any more than I have to lately. I try to write, edit photos, read email, catch up with people but just the sitting down at my computer…
It is good to feel lost… because it proves you have a navigational sense of where “Home” is. You know that a place that feels like being found exists. And maybe your current location isn’t that place but, Hallelujah, that unsettled, uneasy feeling of lost-ness just brought you closer to it. ~Erika Harris I spent…
I realized that what frightened Luke on the trail was not what he saw. It was what was out of site and unknown. It’s the same for me. The broader I can make my view of the world, the less there is to fear.
I was looking at my To Do list last Sunday and feeling my anxiety rise. I’d already crossed off a few things – like ‘Make bread and yogurt’ – deciding I’d buy them instead. ‘Clean house’ was stabbed through with a jagged black line. Sadly, this is how most of my weekends start off. Hell,…
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Oh Mary, these are the sweetest pictures ever. Such good natured animal buddies to have.
What a wonderful series of photos. They’re priceless! I really mean that. You should frame them!
My K has convinced my friends horse to play tug with her. It was crazy to watch, back when K was a pup, how she’d take the tug toy and try to tease the horse with it. Eventually, the horse took the other end and a small game of tug ensued! Now, the two play with a stick together. So wonderful…
This is so cute! I was laughing and crying! Java reminds me so much of my Bailey!! He always has to be right there in the horses legs, face, whatever, the closer the better!
Mary…This post and the last post are great. Snow, yuck! But Java and the horses are so sweet. And the photos taken near the St. Louis River are spectacular. You picked out a great place to get away from it all.
Thanks for your visits.
Mary– Java is the key-ootest! Love the pics from the last post too. Sorry I missed the one before until now. Hope today is a little better.
Very funny. Love the photos and narrative.
That last photo says it all..I believe they are friends! 🙂
It’s been fun watching this crazy relationship develop between Java and mainly Luke because Luke just pays more attention to other living things while Murphy tends to be off in his own world. When the place does sell, I’ll miss being able to catch these daily moment, which I guess is why I try so hard to capture them now.
freakin adorable.
thanks for sharing.