I’m Whining
Can you say OUCH!? After the doctor got done cranking on my arm in every direction feasible this morning and some that weren’t feasible, my shoulder is feeling so much worse than it was. Whine, whine, whine…
Can you say OUCH!? After the doctor got done cranking on my arm in every direction feasible this morning and some that weren’t feasible, my shoulder is feeling so much worse than it was. Whine, whine, whine…
My general stress level makes me wonder how I manage to be mistaken for a normal, functioning human being from day-to-day. Wait, I do generally look normal and functioning, don’t I? Floating down the river last Saturday was a wonderful moment of escape from an ordinary life, but I can’t get out and do that…
I saw this Pedigree brand commercial and started crying. Not because I felt “pity” for the shelter animals, but because I identified with them. “Maery’s not broken. She has simply experienced more life…” Too often I think my X broke something so deeply inside me that no matter how strong my will and my spirit…
I was working on my book this weekend and was in a section where I needed to remember how I thought and behaved when I was in my twenties. I flipped through some papers and journals (yes, I’ve been writing down my thoughts for that frickin’ long!) and ran across something I wrote on February 9, 1982.
Adoptees Speak Up “When we are young, before our first broken bone or chipped tooth, we romped with abandon and gave our all to every adventure. As life teaches us to be careful and to avoid pain, we become less reckless. As society tells us which behavior is “okay,” we monitor ourselves more and more,…
It was a frosty fairy tale morning. So pretty. Good thing that something is pretty out there because my gas bill sure wasn’t. Doubled!!! I think I had a gas leak on the gas line going to the outdoor grill that probably took me awhile to detect and then another while to find the valve…
I’ve started out writing so many different posts for this week. I’ve judged them too long, too personal, or too heavy. But I’ve decided to commit the crime of all three and hope that some part of this makes sense to someone. The photos are of wildflowers that I saw while walking in the woods…
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Sorry to hear about your shoulder! I hope you don’t need surgery. My dad had rotator cuff surgery. Any surgery, no matter what kind, is not fun. Hopefully the physical therapy works! PT worked for the disc bulge in my neck. Unfortunately I didn’t keep it up. I need to start my home exercises again since I am back at work, and my neck hurts pretty bad again!
Hope your camera issue isn’t too serious. Electronics can be such a pain sometimes!
Mary…you know then, that lifting heavy things will only make things worse. Be clever about moving stuff in the barn
I want to get a new camera too. Mine is still working, but I want a better one.
Writing a novel sounds VERY exciting. That should keep you busy and focused.
It has been warm, but grey most of the time here. I will admit that it has had an impact on me too.
Hope your shoulder eases up.
Sorry to hear about the shoulder. I hope that the PT works. Oftentimes, it does work so keep up hope!
A novel – very cool.
I hear ya. I have a shoulder issue it that I’ve been trying to ignore. It’s all that heavy lifting we have to do just to keep things going and the animals fed. I have found yoga helps greatly so I’m praying that PT is an answer to your prayers.
I also praying for sunshine again. We were blessed with three days after 10 without but it has been raining for 2.5 again. A little sunshine would go a long way!
Have a super day and we’ll just pray that PT solves your problem. Keep us updated.
God bless :o)
I couldn’t just have an injured shoulder, as you can see from my next post. No, that wasn’t good enough for me. I need to stop climbing trees and work benches and lifting up cars to rescue little children.
Keep those well wishes coming!
Ouch. Tom had shoulder surgery years ago. I’m hoping you can avoid it.
Enough with the falling!
Good luck with the novel. I have one started and at least 2 others in my head. It’s MUCH harder than the writing I do day to day.