Java and I ran some errands this morning, which took longer than I planned. It was about noon before we finally got to the park for our walk. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera.
Java and I ran some errands this morning, which took longer than I planned. It was about noon before we finally got to the park for our walk. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera.
When I recently complained about being stuck in my progress in physical therapy, my orthopedist said, “You’re only thinking about what you can’t do, not about what you can do.” He’s right, damn it. When I have a hurdle to get over, like my shoulder, I want to believe everything will be better once I…
It was a beautiful day today – low 70s. So as soon as I got home from work, before I lost daylight, I changed clothes and rode Murphy. Since I didn’t have anyone to take photos. I decided to try and take my own. Thus the shots of the top of Murphy’s head. And the…
I finally managed to fit in a 2012 camping trip last weekend. We decided to go somewhere we hadn’t been before — Itasca State Park. The problem, I discovered, with going somewhere new is you don’t know all the ins and outs of the area. The first out came when we went to our reserved,…
For the last month or so, I’ve been caught up with questions about my life. Maybe this comes from recent health issues or thoughts about retirement, but the flood of questions goes something like this: Where have I been putting my energy? Does that really reflect what I value or enjoy? What parts of my…
“No task is ever completed, only abandoned or pressed into use. Tinkering can be a form of prayer.” — Marge Piercy, “The task never complete” I am outside in the garden shed with my computer, journal, and teapot, ready to dive into writing, free from the distractions inside the house. I can hear rain falling…
After four days of my 100-day Time Treasure Hunt Challenge, what I have to show for it is this egg. Not really, but I had to show off my Ameraucana chicken’s grand accomplishment, her first egg. What this post is actually about is passion, but not the “find your passion” kind of bullshit we have…
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Just take it one day at a time. I love your drawing of Java.
Your Java drawing is great! I wish I could draw that well!
Sounds like you had a great walk with Java, I love going on long walks like that. So relaxing and refreshing.
Surfacing is a good thing. I’m glad that you’re drawing again, and that you and Java got out for a nice hike, even without the water.
Sounds like you had a great walk! Glad to hear you are returning to things that you enjoy. Maybe it’s time to buy a sketchbook. Take it, and some water, out with you on your next adventure! 🙂
Good for you. thanks for clearing that up about Java btw. I thought she was also dealing with issues on the page. 🙂
Thanks you guys. I hope you all had a great weekend! I have a log of catching up to do on your blogs!
I’m so glad to hear that you can journal again…what a great feeling it must be!