Not freaking out

The Grungy Grays

The Grungy Grays

The Grungy Grays sometimes walk through the night, howling in their secret language at the moon. Or they ride on a hodge podge of mountain bikes, road bikes, and falling apart bikes, their graying hair flashing like sparks in the moonlight…

Cats and Dogs

Cats and Dogs

I came home from work yesterday and crumbled into a boneless heap. So I’ll have to share the story I was going to create about Wild Women (yesterday’s post) tomorrow. (I’m being optimistic that today will be a better day)

Life With Dogs

Life With Dogs

I didn’t post yesterday as I spent most of the day outside with dogs and fat tire bike and horseback riding, taking advantage of a windless, winter day before the arctic blast of today. Today will be a housecleaning and writing day. But, oh, yesterday…