
Life Goes A Buzzing Bye

I’m working a lot And thinking and worrying about work a lot And trying to figure out how to stop stressing about work a lot Many visits to a financial planner later Walla! There’s a retirement plan I say, “I’ll work for five more years.” “Eight would be better,” he says. “I’ll tighten my budget,”…

I’m Back! (sort of…)

I’m Back! (sort of…)

  I haven’t blogged for about a month now. I’ve been busy with my son visiting from New York, then I visited Arizona a couple days later, and soon after that Steve and I went camping at the North Shore. I’ve been home for awhile but I’ve been trying to catch up with my completely out…

2014 Gardening Groove

“In the garden one can see the time coming for both fruition and for dying back. In the garden one is moving with rather than against the inhalations and the exhalations of greater wild Nature. ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. “Women Who Run With the Wolves” This has been a tough year for gardening. Wait,…

What Will You Grow This Spring?

What Will You Grow This Spring?

“What in you is tiny and tentative and trying to emerge despite the harshness all around?” — Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew That’s the writing prompt I saw recently from Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew’s Facebook page. It’s not easy to think about gardening in the midst of the coldest and snowiest winter we’ve had in a long time….

After the Freeze Gardening

After the Freeze Gardening

There’s little risk in becoming overly proud of one’s garden because gardening by its very nature is humbling. It has a way of keeping you on your knees. –– Joanne Barwick I didn’t say all that much about my garden this year. I guess I was too busy being a Master Gardener… I’m still brown bag ripening…