aging inappropriately

The Grungy Grays

The Grungy Grays

The Grungy Grays sometimes walk through the night, howling in their secret language at the moon. Or they ride on a hodge podge of mountain bikes, road bikes, and falling apart bikes, their graying hair flashing like sparks in the moonlight…

Spinning Wheels

Spinning Wheels

I’m sure this feeling of being stuck and making little progress on my creative endeavors while everyone else is growing and spreading their wings in awesome splendor and while they flap, flap covering me in dust and totally messing up my hair as they motor on by I’m sure this is just my mind exaggerating…

We the Fatigued

We the Fatigued of this Earth, in Order to survive a more perfect Union of work and personal life, establish moments of Doing Nothing, to insure inner Tranquility, provide for the defense of free time and Fun, promote the general Welfare of mind and body, and secure the Blessings of just being ourselves rather than…

Trying, Doing, and Repeating

“The pure joy of daily living becomes impacted with the blood of fate and battles. There’s no turning back the man says, the one waiting to take tickets at the top of the gangplank. Still, in the past we could always wait a little. Indeed, we are waiting now.” ~ John Ashbery, “More Feedback” There…

A Lesson Learned

“The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you…

Higher Number Living

Remember how aging used to be something you looked forward to? How when someone asked you how old you were, you proudly held up your fingers and were so excited when it was your birthday and one more finger raised the flag? At age five, you started school. At twelve, you were practically an adult….