Author: Maery Rose

Getting Stuff Done: What stops us? Could it be a blessing in disguise?

Getting Stuff Done: What stops us? Could it be a blessing in disguise?

When I imagined life after retirement, besides traveling, I imagined myself getting stuff done — all those things I didn’t have time to do when I was parenting or working. Those were the busy, stressful years of life, right? Retirement, that’s when the fun begins. I’m not complaining. I’m simply confused because I’m not traveling;…

A Letter from God

A Letter from God

I’ve been struggling the past couple weeks. Really, Maery? That’s so unlike you. Stop being sarcastic. I have no reason to feel as sad as I do, which in itself, makes me even sadder. I go through cycles. I used to call it cycles of depression but I’m reluctant to call it that now. It’s…

When You Need a Pep Talk

When You Need a Pep Talk

I’ve been working on becoming a published writer for a long time. It can be discouraging. Sometimes (a lot of times) I need a pep talk when I feel like giving up. Periodically, I also spend time assessing what is getting in my way. I came up with five problem areas to fix. Maybe you…