Author: Maery Rose

A Past Me Reflection

A Past Me Reflection

I did not go willingly into a past me reflection. It was my failing iPhone 6s Plus that forced it upon me. As I flicked through old photos, they reminded me of all the things I’d done. It wasn’t long before I was wondering where that Maery had gone. I’m simply not the woman I see…

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Welcome to the Neighborhood Fox or coyote? The question appeared in the subject line of an email from my neighborhood watch group, along with a pixilated, blurry photo of a four-legged creature. I frowned, not out of concern over what the animal might be, but because I’d previously witnessed the reactions of neighbors to anything…

A Study in Clouds and People

A Study in Clouds and People

Driving along the river road, I point my camera towards the sky at every red light. Traffic lights never stay red long enough when you want to take a photo. The people in the surrounding cars are staring straight ahead. They’re busy talking on their phones, yelling at their kids in the backseat, or drumming their…