Author: Maery Rose

Moving On

Moving On

I had to drive to my regular cubical today, a 45 minute trek versus the 15 minutes it took me to get the site we were implementing software at. Bummer. And right when road construction and gas prices seem to be on the rise. After work, I rushed home to let the dog out and…

Progressive Grief

I’m reading C. S. Lewis’s “A Grief Observed”. Lewis is writing of his wife’s death and the emotions he felt and insights he gained.  Having a spouse die is much different than losing them to divorce. For example, when your spouse dies, you don’t fall apart because you are missing them horribly and at the…

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Thanks everyone for your comments on my post on Willow. One of my nieces read it and told me that she put her deceased dog’s tags on her keychain because he loved to ride with her everywhere she went. I wish Willow would have had dog tags because that’s a really good idea.  And my…