A Budding Bloom
— Pema Chödron, “Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears”
Working long hours has left me feeling scattered. I’ve been unable to get back on course with my old routine (I do believe I had one, but I might be wrong).
Will I continually start, stutter, stumble, stop. Repeat, repeat, repeat Just do it Sounds so simple Seems to be impossible Try again Do the important stuff first It’s all important except maybe cleaning the house Some things, like sleeping Are important by nature Other things are important to me It’s all timing When I have…
I dream of the day I wake up and words pour freely out of my head, I suddenly grasp depth of field and know how to perfectly operate all the settings on my camera, and I ride my bike effortlessly up a hill of slippery snow and zig zag through trees without holding my breath.
I caved in and had an MRI about a week ago, which led to wearing a hinged knee brace that leaves permanent indentations in my skin, plus I’m walking around on crutches. My doctor doesn’t seem to realize that crutches are a bad idea for someone who has had shoulder injuries. More importantly, I can’t…
After we got off the train, we took a cab to get to the car rental place. We picked up our rental car and took the historic, scenic Columbia River drive towards Mt Hood.
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and…
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Beautiful post! I loved all the photographs.
I’m a real dark chocolate lover myself and just finished dipping strawberries, apricots, mangoes and pretzels to take to a party tonight. Yum.
Oh…how beautiful – to be able to ride your horse in fields like this!!! Lucky you!!!
What a great day!!! The horses look like they were enjoying their treat!
Happy Sunday