
Snow Dog

Snow Dog

“In a while, I will put on some boots and step out like someone walking in water,    and the dog will porpoise through the drifts,    and I will shake a laden branch sending a cold shower down on us both.” ~  from “Snow Days” by Billy Collins I hope to have more time soon to…

2012 Holiday Happenings

2012 Holiday Happenings

I had hoped to have a more poetic, humorous, and entertaining post put together, but then it’s the holidays and there has been so much to do. There’s a bit of humor towards the end, including my imitation of Puft the Marshmallow Man from the “Ghostbusters” movie. Here’s a few photos of Shy trying out her gift from…

Day Moon

Day Moon

We were promised a sunny weekend. They lied. But we did have a frosty fairy tale morning on Saturday. I only caught the tail end of the crystal coating As I was in bread and cookie production mode in the early hours. Comfort food… I have ridden Luke twice in the past week. The vet said to do…

Seeing Red and Blue

Seeing Red and Blue

It’s been a hell of a day… a hell of a week. But I’m going to shut up about my issues and talk about something fun… like Christmas presents! Yes, I love the color red, especially in the kitchen. Well, unless it’s blood. That kind of red is no good, but I received a gift…

Making It So

Making It So

When life has got me feeling dead, What makes me feel better is homemade bread Cozy, cutish slippers are also good Java would wear a pair if she could I’ve been quite busy lately trying to figure out how to lower my financial stress. I’ve been an ultra-mega cranky pants looking at bills. This stressed…