
I Want More

I Want More

“I prefer to distinguish ADD as attention abundance disorder. Everything is just so interesting . . . remarkably at the same time.” — Frank Coppola, MA, ODC, ACG I like that — attention abundance disorder. If you haven’t noticed by now, my interests are endless. I like to define myself as a chronically-curious person. EVERYTHING…

Friends Like These

Friends Like These

I got together with some friends the other day and they gave some rather “unique” belated-birthday gifts. There was also a candy necklace in the goody bag but I already ate that. There is one gift in there that I’m not going to call by name or I’ll get all sorts of weird Googling traffic. My…

2011 – A New Year

2011 – A New Year

“Try again.  Fail again.  Fail better.”  — Samuel Beckett One can strive to make changes in their life at any time of year, but a new year seems to bring with it the promise of another chance to do this year better. My head has been pinging around like a pinball game. Remember those? So…



katzenjammer —1. Hangover2. Distress; depression3. Confusion; clamor; uproar. Etymology: from German, from Katzen, plural of Katze (cat) + Jammer (distress, wailing). I’m going to find a way to throw that word into my conversations wherever possible… Newsflash!Another independent bookstore bites the dust!  J O’Donoghue Books in Anoka will be closing in February 2011. Damn you e-books! But I…