Woman on a Journey

The ups and downs of aging and the changes life brings on.. Topics include divorce, loneliness, loss, spirituality, and more.

A Past Me Reflection

A Past Me Reflection

I did not go willingly into a past me reflection. It was my failing iPhone 6s Plus that forced it upon me. As I flicked through old photos, they reminded me of all the things I’d done. It wasn’t long before I was wondering where that Maery had gone. I’m simply not the woman I see…

A Study in Clouds and People

A Study in Clouds and People

Driving along the river road, I point my camera towards the sky at every red light. Traffic lights never stay red long enough when you want to take a photo. The people in the surrounding cars are staring straight ahead. They’re busy talking on their phones, yelling at their kids in the backseat, or drumming their…