
Caring for chickens in the suburbs

One Day of Reality

One Day of Reality

Yes, I admit it. I’m jealous of your life. Not everyone’s life, but most everyone I follow on Facebook. You all look like you’re having so much fun, live in such beautiful areas and travel to such exciting places. And you are all so talented with art, music, photography, poetry, starting new businesses or pumping…

Chicken Intervention

  Chicken Little,  you darn, silly thing.  Without a rooster,  from eggs chicks do not spring! Steve built a chicken tractor to allow us to move the chickens around the yard so they can scratch for bugs and whatever else they scratch for. We do our best to have happy, go-lucky chickens. The A-frame has…

Are You Winter Worn Yet?

Are You Winter Worn Yet?

It’s been crazy cold and snowy here in Minnesota this winter. Those who don’t live here probably think that’s nothing new, but we’ve been spoiled for a while now with mild, almost snowless winters. Time to get our Minnesotan back on! The chickens are hanging in there, thanks to the addition of a heat light…

Tea, Tasks, and Tinkering

Tea, Tasks, and Tinkering

“No task is ever completed, only abandoned or pressed into use. Tinkering can be a form of prayer.” — Marge Piercy, “The task never complete” I am outside in the garden shed with my computer, journal, and teapot, ready to dive into writing, free from the distractions inside the house. I can hear rain falling…

A Trip to the Dump

A Trip to the Dump

“Why do you write?” a fellow blogger asked in her post. “To find treasure in a heap of garbage,” I muttered to myself. Writing reminds me of when I was a kid and my dad or uncle would fill up a trailer with broken chairs, mattresses, ceiling tile and carpeting to haul to the dump….