Author: Maery Rose

Bike Touring Practice Run

Bike Touring Practice Run

I hesitate to call the trip Steve and I are planning in June a “bike tour.” Most bike tours you read about are people taking weeks or months to bike down the coastline or travel from one side of the country to another. Whereas we are loading up our bikes with a tent, sleeping bags, food and cooking supplies, and heading about fifty miles away from home to a Minnesota camp site.

Fear Response

Fear Response

In the not so distant past, my reaction to fear was to have panic attacks that turned my body into the enemy, which was a good distraction from battling ‘the thing’ that was making me afraid in the first place. Such attacks are rare now and when they happen, it’s on a smaller scale. Face your fears… that’s my current motto.

I’ve Been Doing It All Wrong

I’ve Been Doing It All Wrong

My first day of AWP was exhausting! My two morning panels were excellent – one on writing personal essays in the age of the internet and the second on turning adversity into art. After that it was all tripe. My friend and I didn’t stay for the keynote speaker as that event didn’t start until 8:30 PM and ran until 10:00. Who planned this? Are they completely and utterly mad? Do they not know that I go to bed by 9:00?