Notch by Notch
It’s been three years ago today that my Dad passed away. The photo above is the last shot I have of us together. It was taken in May of 2008. My Dad left behind a lot of questions and having those questions go unanswered, has left behind some hurt. But this morning, I remembered my…
Whenever I visit family or family visits me, after their visit, their absence is heard in the silence, the lack of conversation and laughter. It’s felt in the lack of them, the empty space that was so recently filled with a familiar, cozy presence. It takes awhile to adjust and for things to feel normal…
Rejoice Whatever remembrance These days bring Resurrection Freedom Rebirth New life I have found Peace and smiles In giving thanks For blessings And struggles That come in waves gentle and wild Neither labeling good or bad Simply Interesting
My little stress relieving ditty, which should be sung to the melody of “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”. Working Girl Anthem I’ve been banging on the keyboard All the live long day I’ve been banging on the keyboard Just so for shelter and food I can pay Can’t you hear the horns a honking…
I’m working a lot And thinking and worrying about work a lot And trying to figure out how to stop stressing about work a lot Many visits to a financial planner later Walla! There’s a retirement plan I say, “I’ll work for five more years.” “Eight would be better,” he says. “I’ll tighten my budget,”…
It was kind of a lazy day today. I went to church in the morning. Came home and had lunch. Then put the tarp I bought yesterday on the kennel. I fixed a tire on this thing. I’ve been waiting about three years to get this tire fixed. No one but me to fix it…
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Awwwww, as Dorothy so eloquently stated, “there’s no place like home.”
Your chickies are growin’! What a marvelous mosaic!
Have a beautifully blessed day sweetie!!! :o)
you’re poem-ing again. I love the lines “box of chirps” and “dash and dump”
Perfect: )
I was able to picture the whole thing…just from what you wrote. 🙂 Well done, Maery.