Outdoor Playtime

Activities to keep the old bod from atrophying

Trying, Doing, and Repeating

“The pure joy of daily living becomes impacted with the blood of fate and battles. There’s no turning back the man says, the one waiting to take tickets at the top of the gangplank. Still, in the past we could always wait a little. Indeed, we are waiting now.” ~ John Ashbery, “More Feedback” There…

Icy Duluth

I have a post on Vision and Verb today about an unfortunate turn of events while I was on vacation. I ended up coming home two days early. But everyone is safe. Just a wee bit stressed out. Isn’t that what vacations are for? Before things turned to $#!+, I did get a few good…

Winter Wondering Wonderland

Winter Wondering Wonderland

Okay. I’ve been rewriting this blog post all week because it keeps sounding too negative and depressing. I think a lot of what I’m thinking and feeling comes from aging and feeling all the possibilities move out of reach in so many areas of my life. It’s hardest at work, where most people are younger…

Unruffled Feathers

Unruffled Feathers

I apologize if gardening isn’t your thing but I feel compelled to start off by giving a salad table update as the greens have taken off and can’t we all use a touch of green at this time of year? Indoors, the lettuces and kale don’t have the problem of getting leggy due to lack…