Home Sweet Home

Home is more than a structure. It’s what you surround yourself with and carry inside.

2014 Gardening Groove

“In the garden one can see the time coming for both fruition and for dying back. In the garden one is moving with rather than against the inhalations and the exhalations of greater wild Nature. ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. “Women Who Run With the Wolves” This has been a tough year for gardening. Wait,…

The Desire to Do No Harm

The Desire to Do No Harm

  The owl is hooting outside, and I’m glad to hear him, as I always am, but especially today as I’ve been worried that Tuesday’s activities at my house might have thrown off the nearby wildlife. I finally pulled the trigger and had a team of tree trimmers take care of the dead branches on…

After the Freeze Gardening

After the Freeze Gardening

There’s little risk in becoming overly proud of one’s garden because gardening by its very nature is humbling. It has a way of keeping you on your knees. –– Joanne Barwick I didn’t say all that much about my garden this year. I guess I was too busy being a Master Gardener… I’m still brown bag ripening…