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Woman standing under oak trees

Winter Comes

Audio recording of this content Winter is coming, or at least it should be. Temperatures here in Minnesota keep easing upwards into the forties to fifties (F), making winter seem like a faint childhood memory. But according to the calendar Winter Solstice is around the corner or here or already passed, depending on whether I…

Anoka Halloween Parade

Anoka Halloween Parade

I had a different blog post in mind for today–an attempt at a soft horror story. But the piece needs more work, so instead, I have photos I took at the Anoka Halloween Parade. As usual, my skill at photographing moving targets while dodging people who step in front of me leaves much to be…

Woman looking alarmed

This is my brain

The other night, I dreamed a man cut into the top of my head and removed my brain. He was wearing blue scrubs, cute little booties, and a mask—a surgeon, not a sadist. Although one can never be sure.   I’d gone to my doctor about neck pain. After several uncomfortable head turns, someone brought…