Not freaking out

What Happens Next?

What Happens Next?

I appear to have hundreds of emails in my inbox attempting to respond to this question: What happens next? Answers range from what steps a company is taking to protect their customers from COVID-19, what online services are available to replace in-person services, and how what happens next depends on my actions, therefore I should…

What You Do Matters

What You Do Matters

I was meditating a while ago and put out the question to the universe, “Who am I?” I know. I’ve been asking that a lot lately. I really hadn’t expected an answer so I was surprised when the words that came into my head were “Truth Teller.” What? No I’m not. If I was, I wouldn’t keep…

30 Days of Something

30 Days of Something

It seems like so many people are doing 30 days of something. I’ve done my own stints of 30 days of yoga, 30 days of bicycling, 30 days of meditation, 30 days of poetry, and so on. 30 days sounds doable. And if you can hang in there for 30 days, there’s a promise, implied…